Saturday, July 10, 2010


That's right! The Whizzbobrockers are recruiting!
How do I become one?
  1. Go to the page named 'Become A Whizzbobrocker'
  2. Fill out the form
  3. Click submit
  4. Your answers will appear in my Google Docs
  5. I will then choose the winners

Have fun and good luck!

Whizzbobrox ~ Head Whizzbobrocker


  1. Whizzbobrox am I already part of the band "Whizzbobrockers"?

  2. Not yet. That's why you have to fill in the form. I've recieved your answers and I will release the names of the poeple who make it in soon. It's a brand-new band therefore nobody is in it yet (apart from me cuz I lead it).

  3. oh yeah sorry i didn't tell u that i made a new blog

  4. On your blog, please don't claim to be me :) Thanks. I know you didn't but just in the future and stuff. BTW, wut are you gonna put on that blog?

  5. I have a game for u to play! :D if u want to go on it go to

    :D Good luck with the game! It gets harder
