Please sign the register between the time that the shoot is announced and 1/2 hour before the shoot begins.
Q. I can't make it. What should I do?
A. Don't worry. Let me know that you can't attend by using the register. Then we will leave a space for you. We can arrange another date for you to do your part.
Q. I am going to be late. What should I do?
A. Again, don't worry. Let me know that you're going to be late by using the register. We can then either arrange another date to shoot your part or you can stay a bit later at the end.
Absence System
If you are absent for 1 - 2 days of shooting or meetings within 1 month: Let me know via the register
If you are absent for 3 days of shooting or meeting within 1 month: Let me know via the reigister then comment under the relevant post explaining why you took this amount of time off.
If you are absent for 4+ days of shooting or meeting in 1 month: You will get a warning.
If you get 3 warnings: You are kicked from the band.
Q. I'm going on holiday. What should I do?
A. Let me know by commenting under the latest post. Even if it's for a month you won't get a warning as long as you let me know. However, if we need to get a video ready then you may be excluded or replaced in the video of that time.
Not Letting Me Know
Please let me know by signing the register and telling me whether you can attend the meeting/shoot or not.
If you don't:
1st time: You will recieve a warning
2nd time: You will recieve another warning
3rd time: You will be temporarily kicked (for a month)
4th time: Permanently kicked.
Please keep to these rules and we will be successful :)
Whizzbobrox ~ Head Whizzbobrocker